Week 11 – dots and pieces coming together

Monday I saw a TV program in which they stated that there’s sheep and then there’s wolves.
I immediately stated to myself, “no, there’s sheep and then there’s lions.”

I love the way my mind is connecting all of the dots all of the time. I know, we’re not supposed to be watching TV; I’m at a clients home (for my work) so it’s not mine to turn off. I’m finding that it’s not hard to just ignore it and think of what I want… or make the connections I want to make!

As I continue my journey toward Spiritual Growth, I am realizing that this program, superior as it is, is not where I need to be.  I am learning through many sources including the Master Key, that the Universe does not place limitation on anything, anything!

I have felt resistance within myself since the get go regarding the DMP which is required to contain dates and amounts and specific stuff.  These are limitations.

My understanding of how the Universe works is:

  1. Ask for what you desire
  2. Trust, believe, envision the receiving of that desire with full emotion
  3. Detach and allow the Universe to fulfill your wish.

It is not our job to specify ‘how, when, where’ anything will manifest; only to hold, believe and trust that it will and then detach from it completely.  Let go.  Here’s a great way to do just that:  Letting Go Easily

Abraham (via Ester Hicks), Bashar (via Darryl Anka), and many other entities are communicating with humans now and the broader understanding is beginning and ongoing.  Each states basically the same thing:

The purpose of the human experience is to experience joy.

We have a tendency to make things more difficult than they need to be.  I am stepping away from the MKMMA not because I disagree with what they teach, but because I believe there is an easier way within me and I choose to pursue the path of least resistance.  I will continue to study the Master Key because I honestly feel that Haanel was inspired by a higher entity with this writing.

My puzzle was completed once I decided on the picture.  My journey is in fitting the pieces together, shuffling them around, throwing them up into the air and letting them fall, what ever I choose to do with them along the way.  The gift is in the connecting of the pieces.

Please join me on my journey of enlightenment into the forth density by following my blog at http://blog.loasuccesscoaching.com  The world is shifting and I am on the leading edge.

Know that we are all one.  We are all connected.  We are all love.

Keep smiling with Love and Light,
Nancy Holtzen

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Week 10 – the puzzle and the black line

I love puzzles!  Always have.  house-puzzle-isolatedGrew up working one every Thanks Giving with the family.  
I don’t do that anymore…   will have to rethink that one.

As I go through other posts of my master mind alliance called the Master Key Master Mind Alliance MKMMA, I see that I am not alone in finding that things are just starting to happen!  Out of the blue, things are coming together perfectly.

The work is no longer work, it’s easy.  The practices we have been learning are becoming a normal part of life.  The rounding of the puzzle edges are softening and those little lines between each piece are fading.  The picture is not complete at this time, maybe never will be…  but that’s OK!  I’m realizing that the journey truly is the blessing and it will not end, even when I leave this world in death.

There is always more.  It’s the way of the Universe.  The abundance does not stop or cease.

To think that I had spent most of my life desperately trying to find the answers when I had them within all along.  I’m told that I knew this when I chose to come to life and just forgot as I grew up.  I am SO Pleased that now I am privy to this knowledge and have the opportunity to do what I came here to do – have Fun!!

Life is what we make it.  I choose Joy, Happiness, Harmony, Wholeness, Perfection, Power, Strength and most of all, Love.

How about you?

And then there’s the elusive black line I intend to draw on the wall.  This puzzle has me challenged!  The friend, the goal, the battleship, the flower – had very little trouble with any of those.  But this black line (lol) is a challenge.  I can see it after a few minutes of focus but, as of this writing, have not been able to draw it onto the wall so that it will stay in place.

Yet another puzzle, just what is the missing piece for me to draw a black line on the wall?  I know that I will conquer this and my multi-colored cone will come to be.  Here is where my past and future lie on separate sides of the line.  Here lies what could be the greatest advancement in my spiritual growth.  Here lies the grandest of puzzles for me.

A simple black line.  Draw it on the wall with my imagination.  I will persist with this effort for it very well could be, for me, the master key I did not have in my possession.  I will persist and draw a black line on the wall and then three more to form a box and then a circle within the box and then pull the center out to form a cone and then change the color of the cone.  I will persist until this is so.

So, when the puzzle is done, it’s one piece.  One picture.  One thought.  Now, when I see a puzzle, I think of the fact that we are all one.  We are all that is.

Keep smiling, Nancy

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Week 8 – DMP

My PPN’s are Autonomy and Spiritual Growth

I Promise to give from my heart in all precious moments and only hold positive, forward moving beliefs in my being. I release my past for the joy and comfort I feel right now. I hold within me the power to be all that I am Today and it’s an amazing feeling, from my scalp to my toes.

It’s June 1st, 2015 or sooner. I’m sitting with my morning coffee on MY beautiful, expansive rear porch. The air is still crisp from the night. Such a nice place to be with the sun rising in it’s glory, and the activity beginning to arise around me. Nature always provides wondrous things to experience and I am in tune with the swaying trees, home to the birds, the bushes with their abundance of flowers, the bunnies, the lizards, and the hummers seeking nectar! I do so notice their buzz.

As I sit with my cup between my hands, I am Grateful for the health my body maintains, the inspiration I receive in every moment, the alliances I produce through QSCA and MKMMA… and all I have to do is be me and participate. 🙂  I remember the day my life changed. Dave mentioned that someone had bought the winning $200,000,000 lottery ticket from Kiowa Drive-through. I knew I had bought a quick pic for that draw and retrieved it. We checked the numbers and 1 by 1, they matched! I cannot express the feeling of exhilaration that came over me as I KNEW I was holding the winning ticket!

I love the way my life has unfolded into an expansive, 4 master-bedroom home with bright, skylight driven rooms and Rich contents that express my Love for luxury and comfort.  Each month, I share my home with one new client and we co-create our future. I am Grateful for the Masterminds created.

In return for this wonderful feeling of contribution, I give myself to my audience in hopes that many will grasp their dream and begin the path toward bliss. The Feel Better Workshop supplies tools and methods, which I created from my experience, to assist and aide all in comfortable, humorous and delicious ways.

My DMP is to uplift others as I uplift myself. There is a sublime happiness within me each day that is fueled by my continuous alignment with my inner self, my source, my god, me. I am Grateful that I chose this time and I promise to make the most of each moment.

I always keep my promises.
Nancy Holtzen



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Week 9 – careful what you ask for!

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of my manifesting exactly what I wanted! Be careful what you ask for… be ready to identify what you want, why you want it and how you want to feel.

When my momentum started moving downstream, it became a light rapid pretty quickly. Everything was falling into place. There was some nudging of things out of the way that I decided would be temporary so I could follow this stream of life and see where it takes me if I just Let Go. Ride the down steam movement.

The challenge became whether this was what I really wanted.  The answer each time was, Yes!  So, I continued … but with a little shift toward more specific things, places, moments.  Each day brought more of what I feel I want to be part of my life, my reality.  Just makes me grin from ear to ear thinking about how magical the Universe really is.

I received my perfect client only it wasn’t where I thought it should be.
Having more work at my part-time job was not really where I saw this going – must be a higher power at work here.  But I Love what I’m doing so it’s easy, humorous, and delicious, just like I’ve been told it should be by many who know more than I.  I’m doing what I love and I love it!

But, it doesn’t lead me to where I want to be … or does it?  I contemplate this daily and each time, my answer is, “Breathe in – allow (1,2,3) ; Breathe out – let go (4,5,6,7,8)”  I show up where and when I have accepted to be with the most wonderful attitude of service.  I DO everything I possibly can for everyone who crosses my path – it’s easy, fun, and I feel the harmony growing around me.

I just don’t see how THIS could possibly be a path to get to where I want to be!  Even though, living in Joy MOST moments of my days has been a magical trip.

Yea, I heard that too!  DUH  …allow …let go (release)

As I continue to read, recite, repeat, honor, connect, love and so much more, on a daily basis, I am coming to KNOW that I am exactly where I need to be right here, right now.
And it feels really, really, really Good!

Tomorrow, I will notice even more out of the moments as what I learned today, in the moments, caused me to open new doors, new avenues, a whole new world around me. Each day is an adventure of some sort, and who knows, this just might lead me to the ultimate place I want to be
… see DMP

Or maybe my DMP is just another step on the journey of life and it really doesn’t matter where I end up…
If it’s this much fun going there, I have NO Problem with it!

So, I would advise, if anyone were to ask, that you should be careful what you ask for, you may just change your vibration enough to get it!  I can share how with you.  But then again, even better advise would be, get in, sit down, hold on and shut up.  I promise you will enjoy this ride, I always keep my promises.

Keep smiling, Nancy Holtzen


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Week 8 – what a special rounding there is in 8

I am a firm believer in the fact that my soul purpose in this life is to experience Joy.

One day this week, I didn’t follow the directions. 
I didn’t complete my promises.
I didn’t maintain the momentum.
Or so I thought first thing in the morning…

I am so truly grateful for this day! The day is today. With what my world began with first thing out of bed, I found it necessary to alter the routine:
morning, afternoon, bedtime reading
reviewing cards occasionally throughout the day
focusing including the 15+ min sit
and just went with the day.

I remembered first and foremost to inhale-allow and exhale-let go and went about my business as needed in the moment.  There was challenge, lauding, resolution, accomplishment within the first 4 hrs. of the day.

Such a wonderful day, so far. I completed my tasks on time. Then it was time for a rewarding, extended Friday night; which to me is the drawing of the line between work reality and fun reality. The purpose, my purpose, the fun!

At this moment, I can recall that this morning, as I went about what needed to be done, I was thinking about love. The words from Scroll 2 were echoing in my mind.
Thank you.

My cards were being flashed at me, sometimes in weird moments.
Thank you.

The colors and silhouettes were being displayed for me to notice and enjoy.  I do so love the reflection effects.  Ah, that word Joy again…
Thank you.

The overall feeling of just stopping in the middle of the room and start dancing to the music of the commercial (I like to watch soaps so I have some catching up to do, love it!). It just moves the energy of Source through my body and awakens the vigor and enthusiasm, like morning.
Thank you.

I am watching my soap opera, General Hospital, as I have three days to catch up with…  I am finding myself lauding the triumphs!   And, knowing that there is more to the story that is under the water, like a battleship.  And so much more.
Thank you

And then there’s the thought of what others might think when I act in this manner around them… first thing that comes to mind is a picture, full color and sharpness, of someone saying, “…well, look at her! She’s doing something right!”
Thank you.

All this and it just turned noon! I have, in this moment, the rest of the day to enjoy my version of Friday night.   I have a sneaking suspicion that by the end of the day, I will have fulfilled all of my promises, completed all of my reading (even if only in mind), and I realize that there are no directions, only the moment in which to notice the silhouette.   Thank you.

With more Love than you know, keep smiling.
Nancy Holtzen

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Week 8 – and now let there be music in the puzzle

I must admit, I am not completely caught up with all of everything the MKMMA is offering but I am doing my best!

A couple of years ago, I put together a recording just like what we are doing now and it really did help me to feel better.  Now I realize that what was missing was my DMP.  My recording was of the BPB with only a small actual statement of intention.

For music, I’m choosing the Delta Track offered by Steve G Jones.  It delivers directly to the subby via vibration and it’s very soothing to listen to.  All of the pieces of my puzzle just continue to get brighter and brighter!  I have been working this puzzle since I was 10!

When we started to visualize during the 15 minute sit, my DMP came alive in my mind and I found myself one day standing on the top of a hill singing, “the hills are ablaze with the sound of music”!!  as I spun around with my arms stretched out. (no laughing)

I am just loving all of this.  I have known everything for a very long time but now, through the MKMMA, I am allowing the pieces to just fall together without my sifting and sorting and spending so much time wasting time.  I am grateful.

Success is already mine and I haven’t changed a thing in my life other than the way I spend some of my down time in the morning, after lunch and at bedtime.  My husband can’t figure out why I am so happy even though nothing has changed – soon he’ll see the fruit of the seeds I sow, and oh how luscious and juicy that fruit will be.

Do I miss any readings?   YES!!  But it’s OK.  I don’t beat myself up about it, just move on to the next.  Why spend time on negative when positive is so much more fun?  And easier, too!

Keep smiling, Nancy Holtzen

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Week 7 – puzzle pieces falling together as they may

puzzle piecesWho would have thunk that a childhood feddish of building puzzles with my Aunt would be the metaphor for my life.

As I walk this path, my main suggestion to my self is, “breathe in = allow, breathe out = let go”.  I have settled into this place…  it’s amazing!

Bashar gave me the alignment method to let go ( Let Go ).  I listen daily, and it comes up in my thoughts, the tune.  On exhale, I release whatever is negative in my thoughts as the moment is (when I remember!).  Still working on this one but getting better with practice, Thank You MKMMA! (insert link)

QSCA gave me Abraham Hicks (via Ester and Jerry Hicks) who allowed me to be OK with myself just as I am.  Abraham was my introduction to modern channeling which we ALL have the ability to do…  and DO every day.  The solar plexus – the feeling, the gut feeling.

Steve G Jones delivered SO Much!  Here, I learned about The Art of Astral Projection and became aware, even more so, of the alternate realities that are around us and how to touch them with our thoughts.  It is so easy when you consider the bigger picture.

Christie Marie Sheldon gave me the key to access Love or Above.  This is where I learned about vibration and how, on a scale of 1-1000, LOVE lands at 500.  No where but up!

Burt Goldman gave me the insight to my own dreams, aspirations, possibilities through Quantum Jumping.  Here I became aware of other dimensions around me.  Fascinating stuff.  Truly amazing how we have the ability to ‘step’ into another reality that’s ours with just our thought and intention and focus.

And even before that, this was a present to past progression, there was the Empower Network – David Wood – just a person who caught my eye and my heart and started the ball rolling.  Started the momentum – planted the seed in the farrows I had prepared through my lack.


Present day, November 2014.  As I sit in class with QSCA and another class with MKMMA, I am finding the pieces of my puzzle once again shuffling.  Seems to be a pattern…  hum.

I am finding myself tending away from the coaching accademy and also tending away from the future building course/power business building coarse .. toward something completely different although I don’t know what just yet.  It’s weird.  It’s a place I’ve yet to see in my dreams, a feeling that is or was out of my reach but is now coming into reach.

It’s just weird right now!

Like I’m standing on the edge of a cliff, ready and willing; knowing I can, to jump/step/move forward toward my true bliss.

…and here I stand right now.  Will I?  Won’t I?

Yea, I will, when the inspiration for the next step comes, I’ll know it.  It will be natural.  It will be easy.  It will be fun.  I smile!  🙂

For this moment, I am at peace with myself and my reality.
All is Good.  All is Fine.  All is OK.

After all, all we really have is a moment.  This one I cherish.  And the puzzle?  A continuous work of art, pieces forever molding and forming and formulating.

With much Love and Light to you, keep smiling, Nancy


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Week 6 – yet another step

star planetI just completed a personal blog post that is surprising even me!

Star/Planet – just which is it?

Where do I get this stuff?!!  Oh, could it be the inner me expressing itself?  Have you ever seen a star or a planet that just didn’t look right to you?  And then it was gone?

Week 6, well so far anyway, has proven to continue the process in a forward fashion for me that is bringing alive my DMP and causing even more clarity.

As of today, Tuesday, I have not yet completed the vision board scenario.  Just haven’t had the inspiration for it… yet.  I am formulating things…  and pics…  and ideas for the actual imprint I am creating.  Just  want to do it a little better than the Mind Movies I already have on my computer!

I know that when I complete this ‘snap shot’, I will also be rewriting my DMP once again and the alignment will be even better.  Each step is progress in the positive direction and that I truly love to live with.  🙂

This is the time to get specific.  We have the lists.  We have the ideas.  We have the images.  Time to put that puzzle together once and for all…  well, at least for this week!  lol

They say the fundamentals are done.  Somehow, I sense they are never really done.  We will be rewriting our DMP’s for the rest of our lives.  Expansion will have a continuous effect in allowing itself, through us, to continue expanding.

So, for today, I have accomplished what I can and now it’s time for rest.  Tomorrow, I have another wonderful, new opportunity to rewrite my world.  Just the thought of that makes me smile 🙂

Vigor and enthusiasm I wake with and love I hold for all.  Each moment counts.  Even my smoking has become moderate, and that I can live with…  my cells know what to do.

Talk about having your cake and eating it too!

With Love and Light, Keep Smiling – Nancy Holtzen



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Week 5 – and the calmness flows upon the water

I have to laugh, when I was young, I kidded my Mom about the Elevator Music that she loved so much.  Now, I find myself listening to Spa Music or New Age!  When she passed on, we had to decide the music for the ceremony and both my brothers and I all said, at the same time, Mom liked elevator music.

Since making the conscious decision to be all in with 100%, I have felt a calmness come over me.  It’s really nice!  There was a time when all I could talk about was what was wrong with my life, what wasn’t working, what wasn’t happening.

Now, I am pleased to state that I have found the path to allow the better feeling thoughts to enter my mind (got here with practice!) and to let them gain momentum in my thinking rather than what’s wrong.  There is so much more power in this place.

My world is opening.  It’s really scary at times but then I remember the knowing that the angst in my tummy isn’t real.  It’s actually the activation of my Solar Plexus and I’m learning to enjoy those moments and bring them around with better feeling thoughts.

I’m not a marketer.  Tried that…  been there, done that, what’s next…  At this time, I am studying to certify as a Law of Attraction Coach and the experience coupled with MKMMA is a beautiful dove-tail.  With each program, I gain knowledge of myself that carries over into the other program and I am finding the uplifting at every moment I need it.

I am truly grateful that channels like Ester Hicks, Roxie, Darryl Anka and many others continue to feed my appetite for expansion and growth.  My world is about to explode!

I have thoughts about leaving the QSCA and MKMMA behind and exploring where I truly should be, but…….  am I already where I truly should be?  The answer is Yes!  I am exactly where I should be and doing exactly what I should be doing, SO I promise to…  give 100% to each and every little, momentary thing I do.

so, Hey, sometimes I feel alone so let’s get together and leave alone behind.  For me, it’s hard to find people I can talk to about this stuff.   …as I lol at myself!  Would love to form a Google hangout or similar and just talk about stuff that’s on our minds. (loa at work here) VERY IMPORTANT —> this request from Universe is personal and in no way trumps the Master Mind Alliance.

Remember, I always keep my promises.

Keep smiling with Love and Light
Nancy Holtzen

p.s.  as stated above, I am certifying as a LOA coach and in need of practice (we know how important that is).  If interested in receiving 3 free coaching sessions for me to use as my practice, please contact me directly here:  http://www.loasuccesscoaching.com/free-coaching-session.html  fill out the form and I will take it from there!   And, thank you for even considering it.

May the Force Be With You

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Week 5 – DMP

My PPN’s are Spiritual Growth and Autonomy

I promise to…

Never allow the brevity or simplicity of any moment slip past my awareness.  Each precious moment of life offers a delicious, heartfelt vibration. And, I promise to savor them ALL for they ARE my fuel from Source.

It’s January 5th, 2015, a Monday, and I’m on my porch with my morning coffee.  It’s cool but not cold but the warmth of the cup in my hands is welcome.  I crack a brief smile and feel a warm, cuddly feeling as my phone dings with the tone of $energy/money$ being deposited into my bank account.  The free run I offered of the Feel Better Workshop – Part 1 went SO well that I now have a complete set of audio recordings ready for the 50 or more students, paying $47 each, beginning today!  Ah, I can see where this is going, it’s only part 1!!  The feeling of accomplishment I have right now is overwhelmingly delightful like a field of flowers in the spring!

The FBW-1 just fell together wonderfully, like clockwork, and I am deeply grateful that I made the wise choices of QSCA and MKMMA as my guides through business building.  It’s truly exciting to watch the Universe deliver to me, in such comfortable, humorous and delicious ways, the feeling of togetherness with the world I have in my heart.  We are one and I love it!  My never ending thirst for spiritual growth and freedom give me joy and peace at the same time, knowing there is always more to explore.

And how I do love to explore.

My work with SHS remains sweetly rewarding.  There’s comfort in the support of my husband and family.  I am loving and nurturing of myself.  Every day I awake with vigor and enthusiasm of the wonderful new things I learn and share with my audience, which is growing by the 100’s daily due to the Law of Attraction.

Now, it’s June 1st, 2015 as I receive my Certification as a Law of Attraction Coach and I just want to sing to the world from the top of the hill how empowered I feel.

 “The Hills Are A Blaze.”

My group coaching with the FBW has grown into sessions with over 200 students each month and grows consistently – the feeling of expansion is SO soothing.  It’s amazing that it could be this easy.

I always keep my promises.


OK, word count 398, check
Resonance with?  100%, check
the Feel Better Workshop (FBW) IS my spiritual growth and autonomy to pursue other interests including my work with Seniors Helping Seniors.  Now, I can afford to do the work that many have no interest in doing, caring for our elders and I have SO much love to give.

Each time I read this, there’s a tingle in my scalp behind my ears and it just keeps getting stronger and stronger.  I AM what I Will to Be in this moment and so it is and I am grateful.

Nancy Holtzen

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